MAJOR WORKS by Maria Ballestero, both through ALTRAMENTUM as well as independent restorer
Reference customers
Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (IPCE), Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Affairs
- National Museum of Natural Sciences
- National Museum of Anthropology
- Military Pharmacy Museum
- Patrimonio National (Spanish National Heritage Institution)
- Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See, Madrid
- Retiro Living Auctions
- Alcala Auctions
- Juana de Aizpuru Gallery
- IvoryPress Gallery
- Private Antiques
- Private collectors
Painting Restoration
Seven large canvases with scenes from the life of San Francisco, three by José Camarón, and four by Zacarias Gonzalez Velazquez, owned by the Prado Museum and deposited in the Basilica of San Francisco el Grande in Madrid.
- Three large canvases with hunting scenes of the painter Frans Snyders. Santamarca Foundation.
- Two large paintings by Luca Giordano. Santamarca Foundation.
- A painting of Bartolome Carducho. Santamarca Foundation.
- A painting by Francisco Camilo. Santamarca Foundation.
- A picture by Mateo Cerezo. Museo Lázaro Galdiano Foundation.
- Some works from the BBVA collection, amongst whom authors such as Francisco de Goya, Paul de Vos, Juan de la Corte, Van Dyck, Thomas Hiepes, Sánchez Coello, Van Loo, Mattys Musson, Madrazo, Bertuchi, Zabaleta or Meifrén.
- Oil on canvas of Corrado Giaquinto, Convent of the ¨Salesas Nuevas¨ in Madrid.
- Ecce Homo ¨Francisco de Zurbarán¨. Private collection.
- Two wooden panel of the XVI century of the Cathedral of Toledo: A Nativity and «Calvary» by Juan de Borgoña.
Two oil paintings of the XVII century oil paintings of the Church of San Martin de la Vega, Madrid.
- A large mural of mixed technique on canvas by painter Vaquero Turcios and two smaller by Vaquero Palacios, from the Royal Theatre Madrid.
- A picture of s. XVII miscegenation collection of the National Museum of Anthropology
- Collection of 180 paintings by painter Guido Caprotti, some in large format, of Caprotti Museum in Avila.
- Several paintings of the XVII and XVIII century, Annunziata convent in Villafranca del Bierzo, León.
- Several icons in Abu Sirga Coptic church in Cairo (Egypt). Project for International Cooperation (AECI).
Mural Painting and altarpiece
- Altarpiece of the Church San Antonio de los Alemanes. Madrid.
- Mural Paintings by Luca Giordano ¨Mystery of the Incarnation in the Basilica of the Monastery of El Escorial, Madrid.
- Mural paintings in the Church of Our Lady of Victories in Madrid.
- Altarpiece of the Church of Piedralaves, Ávila.
- Altarpiece of the XVI century, by Martin Gomez el Viejo, ¨S. Mateo and S. Lorenzo¨ Cuenca Cathedral.
- Polychrome wood sculpture ¨Holy Entombment¨of the Apostolic Nunciature in Madrid.
- Polychrome wood sculpture ¨Thurifer angel¨of the Apostolic Nunciature in Madrid.
- Equipo Crónica Sculpture ¨Conde Duque de Olivares¨. Auctions Sala Retiro.
- Wooden model ¨Autonomous House¨ by Buckminster Fuller, Norman Foster collection. Ivorypress Gallery, Madrid.
- Restoration of the bronze sculpture piece ¨Carro de la Victoria¨. Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine environment.
- Restoration of a pair of brass candleabra. Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine environment.
Furniture, artwork and other objects document
- A topographic map of 1656 Madrid in large-size paper, by Pedro Texeira.
- Set of 6 pieces lacquered chairs pieces.
- Set of four gilt cornucopias of s.XVIII.
- XVII century reliquary in polychrome wood, with over 80 relics.
Other works
- Restoration, preventive conservation and conditioning for deposit of the photographic collection of the National Natural Science Museum, Madrid.
- Inventory and cataloging of parts in the Military Pharmacy Museum of Madrid